I've decided since I started this year with a resolution to try new things, that every weekend I will go to the Farmer's Market and pick one thing I've either never cooked with or tried.
Eggplant accomplished both of those criteria.
In my search for a recipe that had eggplant I kept my husband in mind - he loves anything with meat. So, I came across this recipe and had great success with it. Because I'm only slightly OCD (haha) when it comes to cooking - I laid out all the ingredients needed, including a glass of wine because why not?
Here's what you'll need:
The prep work didn't take too long as you're mostly just cutting up fresh vegetables and herbs. I was really hesitant in using a red pepper but realized the last time I cooked with one that once it's cooked it's not nearly as hot as it is raw. My taste buds are real wusses when it comes to all things spicy. The combination of flavors and colors make the dish both appetizing and pleasant to look at.
I splurged on a brick of cheese and my God it was worth it. I asked for a cheese grater for Christmas one year and haven't regretted the decision in the slightest. Overall it was a delicious dish and I didn't necessarily tweak it too much. The only thing I changed was (since I have a carnivorous husband) that I increased the meat to a pound and doubled the breadcrumbs and egg.
I will absolutely be making this dish again. If you get around to try it, I hope you enjoy the hell out of it!
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